
Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights and the General Prosecutor of Ukraine took control of the case of Nigerian student Olaolu

femiAs has been repeatedly reported in the Ukrainian and Nigerian media, the lawyers of our firm provide protection Nigerian student Olaolu Sunkanmi Femi in a criminal case in his charge, which has acquired a wide international response.

In order to maximize the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of a foreign student and to to provide an objective review of the case, our lawyers appealed to the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights Valeria Lutkovskaya.

After examining information on the mentioned case Ombudsman, met with Prosecutor General Viktor Pshonka, during which the case against Olaolu S.F. it was considered important and taken under control by the Prosecutor General of Ukraine and the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights.

Also after repeated requests by defense lawyers of our firm, Olaolu's criminal case has been studied by the General Prosecutor's Office and by the Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine Luhansk region, followed by the Prosecutor's Office of Luhansk region, it was decided to transfer the charges's support on the case from the prosecution of Leninsky district of Lugansk, to a group of prosecutors Prosecutor of Lugansk region, which was specifically created to work in the  Olaolu's criminal case.

In addition, the lawyers of our firm have met with the Ambassador of Nigeria and the consul, heads of the Nigerian Diaspora in Ukraine, who promised to support Olaolu Femi  by appealing to the authorities in Ukraine and by organizing regular deliveries of food and other necessities to the Investigation isolation of Lugansk, where Olaolu S.F. is being held. At present, the criminal case against Olaolu by a jury of 3 judges, which will test the evidence submitted by bodies conducting the investigation, the next meeting will be held  12.09.2012g.


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